Cribis iTrade

Payment information

Access the largest system of information on the payment behavior of Italian companies and find out how your customers pay other companies.


What is it

CRIBIS Itrade R White


CRIBIS iTrade is the first tool for managing the most extensive information system on commercial payments behavior available on the Italian market.


  • Get access to the first ever solution for payments management. A unique tool that provides you with a deep analysis of late payments and the overdue credits of the clients’ portfolio.
  • Get different levels of deepening, from payments behavior analysis to a specific focus on a single client situation
  • Discover market comparison, a comparative analysis and the payment behaviors trend of your client.
  • Get access to a database of information that is fully unbiased and objective, as it is managed by a player that does not have any conflict of interest.

How does it work?

In CRIBIS iTrade the payment experience is made up from the analysis of the history of all the commercial transactions (expenditures, payments, unresolved) that took place between a customer and its supplier in the last 12 months (Information is also monthly updated).


Taking part in CRIBIS iTRADE is extremely easy: you just need to send standardized forms every month. The form is seen and used by the companies that take part in CRIBIS iTrade: a guarantee of how reliable the data shown in iTrade are.

You can also count on a dedicated back-office, ready to answer to every request or doubt.

You can analyze delays, exposition and the expired payments of your client portfolio according to the activity type, the dimension, the geographic area, the field in which they operate and much more…

Different degrees of explanation: portfolio dashboards, aggregated and complete analysis, detailed focus on each client.

You can confront the history trend of exposition and expired payment with the related chain.

You can count on information of the highest quality, supplied by a neutral subject without conflict of interest

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Focus On Me

Discover how your company is viewed by banks, suppliers and competitors with Eurisc 2.0, Centrale Rischi della Banca d’Italia and CRIBIS integrated data. Get a full check-up on your business and a consulting analysis.

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