Focus On Me

Company Self Assessment

Discover how your company is viewed by banks, suppliers and competitors with Eurisc 2.0, Centrale Rischi della Banca d’Italia and CRIBIS integrated data. Get a full check-up on your business and a consulting analysis.

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What is it

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Focus On Me

With Focus On Me, you can get a complete view of how your company is seen by banks, competitors and suppliers. . Get a full check-up on your business and a consulting analysis.


  • It supports you when you apply for funding.
  • Facilitates the relations with the suppliers and clients and helps you to find new clients, partners and suppliers.
  • Improve the comprehension of strength points and the improvement areas, as seen by the market.
  • It provides you with a first view on commercial riskiness of your client portfolio.

How does it work

Focus On Me is the CRIBIS service that shows you how the company is seen by banks, suppliers and competitors, thanks to advanced integrated data provided by CRIBIS, Eurisc 2.0 and Centrale Rischi della Banca d’Italia. Get a complete check-up and a consulting analysis.


You can get a report on how banks and companies see your business in just 4 steps. The data are related both to the commercial information and the interpretation of the main income statement index and the business information.

A meeting with a CRIBIS consultant to define the analysis topics

The analysis and in-depth look of the data at your disposal

A final report is produced and sent to you

A final meeting with a CRIBIS specialist consultant

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see also

Cribis iTrade

Access the largest system of information on the payment behavior of Italian companies and find out how your customers pay other companies.

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