Real Estate Data

Business Report

With CRIBIS you have access to the widest wealth of information on the real estate data of companies, to get to know your business partners better By getting access to the real estate information of a company, is possible to have a precise and objective profile about the solidity of a company, while at the same time understanding the real consistency of its real estate assets.

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What is it?

With CRIBIS Business Reports you can access to the largest information dataset on the real estate data of companies and your business partners.


  • Find Out if current or potential customers own Real Estate on the national territory or not.
  • Learn more on the corporate variations and on added value data on finance, commercial payments and negative data.

How does it work

Inside CRIBIS X you can find an assets of real estate information that come from the property listing office and the land registry.


CRIBIS provides the following services:

The inspection of Real Estate, which contains information on the proprieties owned (buildings and lands) and eventual burdens (Mortgages and foreclosure) that reduce the value and the availability of the assets. In addition to the standard inspection of Real Estate, a “Optimal Inspection” is available, the content of which coincides with the one of the legal certificates.

The cadastral report on legal entities and natural persons is about the Real Estate data as available to the Land Registry and other rights on the estates (bare ownership, usufruct, ecc) according to the cadastral inspections. This report contains information on the proprieties but doesn’t show eventual burdens.

CRIBIS provides a wide range of Real Estate information that comes from sources like the property listing office and the Land registry.

CRIBIS business reports contain data from the corporate national land register to understand if the counterpart can count on the property of real estate on the national territory.

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